Tag Archives: art

The Manor’s Prize (Pages 1-7)

Expect more pages soon. I will be posting them here in 7-page batches. I will upload daily (if all goes well) on https://twitter.com/ComicsJimbo, a twitter account dedicated to the comic.

I have a page buffer already. As of today, up to page 13 is done, so updates should be regular here.

For those wondering about the content disclaimers at the bottom of the page, please read this post on why I have included them:

I hope you enjoy this comic and look forward to what’s coming next.


New Comic: The Manor’s Prize

Coming very, very soon is a new comic by Jim, titled: The Manor’s Prize.

It is written and drawn by Jim, and is set to have a somewhat regular upload schedule.

The style is reminiscent of old-timey mystery films, such as And Then There Were None.

Note that the comic will contain adult content, so viewer discretion is advised.

The first post here will probably be pages 1-7. Please look forward to it, in the coming week!

What Happened to Psycho Games?

What Happened to Psycho Games?

It’s probably pretty obvious to everyone that Psycho Games seems to be on hiatus. At this point, you may be wondering if it’s going to continue at all. After all, it’s been four months since the last post.

The truth is, a lot has changed in the last four months, for both me and my brother. While it may sound like a hyperbole, I feel I am a different person now.

Both me and my brother have started on different projects. Initially, we meant to just put Psycho Games on hold for a short time to just work on some short term projects. It didn’t really work out as we expected.

Unfortunately, my blog hasn’t really been a high priority lately, especially with other social media being more convenient, and easier to work with. If you want to see some of what me and Jim have been up to lately, you should check out my Twitter account (https://twitter.com/deany_art), Jim’s (https://twitter.com/YockeyJim), my Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/deanyart/), and my NSFW Twitter account I started (https://twitter.com/deany_art_nsfw). Unfortunately, WordPress has kind of sunk down on my hierarchy of social media, especially since all these other options are more convenient.

But what about Psycho Games? The truth is, Psycho Games, as it is now, is probably over. There’s not going to be a chapter 25. There is, however, the possibility that we may reboot Psycho Games at some point. Both me and Jim really love the characters, but our skills have changed so much that we think it would be better to start from scratch. Even if we do decide to reboot Psycho Games, though, it probably won’t be too soon. Both me and Jim have been working on other projects. Maybe you’ll see them soon. If stuff goes well, we should finish a simple platformer game soon, and Jim will start his own comic, and I may start a lewd comic.

I’ve always viewed Psycho Games as “experimental.” It was always a place to try out new ideas, and to improve my skills as a writer, and Dean’s as an artist. Because of this, its quality hasn’t always been consistent, and its plot has meandered. There are many parts of Psycho Games that I am extremely proud of, but also, many things I would go back and change if I could. We started Psycho games about 3 years ago, and it reflected our skills and ideals at the time. After 3 years of experience with various projects, I realize now that we started Psycho Games quite hastily. I don’t regret that, but the lack of planning in some areas has caused problems. I’m fully confident that if we were to restart it now, with the experience we have now, I would put far more time and care into the plot and structure, as well as how the story concepts are introduced. I want to make the best comics I can make, and Psycho Games is weighed down by our past skill levels. If we do continue Psycho Games, perhaps as a re-boot, I want to give it a strong foundation that I can be proud of, and I want to do the characters and themes justice. I hope you’ll stick around to see what we have next. This is in no way an ending, but rather, it’s a beginning.
– Jim


Original characters (do not steal)

I realize it’s been over a month since the last Psycho Games chapter. In fact, it’s been 40 days and 40 nights, roughly. I promise I’ve been working on it! I only have one more page to go! Please believe me.

I started a full-time job, and, on most days, I don’t have enough time to draw for long, which is why stuff is so slow. I’m telling the truth! I really am!

So, I thought, since I’ve practically abandoned this poor blog, I should post something, just to prove that I’m still alive. So, here are a bunch of characters I drew, with biographies. I thought it would be good practice for art and writing, and character design, especially since I’ve been drawing the exact same characters for so long.

There are even more, and I might post them soon. Hopefully, you’ll see the new Psycho Games chapter soon, too.

Anyhow, please tell me who your favorite character is.

– Dean

Where’s Victor?

Welcome to the first official Psycho Games search and find!
This was a lot of fun to do, although I admit the characters aren’t very well hidden, and the mistakes are even less well hidden …

For those of you who have read Pumpkin Man, I challenge you to also find the seven enemies of man hidden in the greenhouse.

Among the artists I respect, Martin Handford is certainly not the least. If you’ve never had the experience of reading a Where’s Waldo (or Where’s Wally, to most people), I’d encourage
you to pick one up.


Psycho Games 20: The Condemned

Ep20 CoverEp20 Cover2Ep20 p1Ep20 p2Ep20 p3Ep20 p4Ep20 p5Ep20 p6Ep20 p7Ep20 p8Ep20 p9Ep20 p10

I wanted to try something different and new with this chapter. It’s easy to follow the status quo, and only write predictable events, that are in line with the general plan for the story. For once, I didn’t want to do that. Writing Psycho Games has been a learning experience. Right now, I’m not sure if this was a great idea, or a bad one, but I’m happy I tried it, because later, I’ll be able to look back at this chapter, where I tried something new, and I can apply what I learned from it. If we’re not allowed to take risks, with the possibility of making mistakes, it’d be impossible to learn, and get better.



It’s been over a month, now, since we put out the previous chapter. I certainly am sorry. This chapter was a lot of fun, especially since I added a few colors to it . . .
Sorry about the image quality. It’s hard to convert drawings to digital images without loss or obscuration.
Ghost Victor has a lot of advice for Victor, but the most important thing he should be telling him is to stay away from fires. A lot of bad stuff happened to future Victor, apparently, but being perpetually on fire might be the worst . . .
Thanks for reading!
